Pakistani video songs downloads
Pakistani video songs downloads

pakistani video songs downloads

Nation prepares to celebrate 78th PakDay on. ” “Pakistan is synonymous to Peace and we shall safeguard it at any cost IA,” the director general ISPR said. In a recent Twitter post, the Director General Major General Asif Ghafoor said that “Nation prepares to celebrate 78th Pakistan Day on. Moreover, 23rd March parade will take place in Islamabad and it should be mentioned that in 2015, the parade was resumed after a gap of seven years. This 23rd March will be Pakistan’s 78th Pakistan Day which will be celebrated across the country on March 23, 2018, which remarks the day of Lahore Resolution March 23, 1940, which led to the creation of Pakistan. The song brings the message of Unity and peace for the people of Pakistan. The video of the song features all the people across Pakistan including elders and kids dressed in their traditional outfits. The track Hamra Pakistan has been composed by Sahir Ali Bagga and sung by Shafqat Amant Ali (Urdu Version).


This is the first time that a national song has been released in all the languages at once.Ĭlick here to Download MP3 of Aman Ka Nishan Hai Humara Pakistan


  • TV / Radio programmes (excludes advertising / commercial - see Extended License) - Also see cue sheetsHamara Pakistan, a new national song just has been released by ISPR (Inter Services Public Relation) in seven different languages which include Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Balti, and Kashmiri.
  • Local Television / Radio - Also see cue sheets.
  • Includes use on videos monetized * by adverts (also * see other considerations).
  • Video production for the web including sites like YouTube * or your/company’s website etc.
  • It must be combined with something, for example, a video, marketing message or voice over.

    pakistani video songs downloads pakistani video songs downloads

  • You can not resell or give the music away as music only.

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    Pakistani video songs downloads